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Mini Blog: The Area Forecast (FA) is now the Graphical Forecasts for Aviation (GFA)

F. Pacheco

For those who may not have noticed, this month, the Area Forecast (FA) has gone the way of the Dodo and has been replaced by the Graphical Forecasts for Aviation (GFA).

The tool takes some getting used to, however, if you spend a little time going through the Tutorial and through the overview Video you’ll discover some really nice benefits that the text only information could not adequately represent. (click on "Tutorial" and "Video" to go to web page)

You are able to quickly walk through the different forecast and current observation tools and obtain a representation for the forecast over a 15 hour period or how the current observations developed over the previous 15hour period. The GFA is another tool as you prepare your overall weather picture into your pre-flight planning.

You find the GFA tool at the under "Tools" and "GFA Tool".

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